Pierre Hubert
Subleyras, Pope Benedict XIV 1746
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1768),
Bullarium, Tomus Secundus, in quo
continentur constitutiones, epistolae, aliaque edita ab anno MDCCXLVI usque
ad totum annum MDCCXLVIII
(Volume 5; Melchin: 1826)
De baptismo Iudeorum sive infantium sive adultorum.
Venerabili Fratri Arichiepiscopo Tarsen. Vicegerenti. February 1747
Archbishop of Tarsus, Ferdinando Maria de Rossi (1696-1775)
pope cites Aurelio Piette (†
Elucidationis difficiliorum
theologiae quaestionum: Pars Quinta (Louvain:
1730) 361:
Why therefore does the Church of Rome not baptize the children of the Jews
and take these baptized children from their parents lest in hatred of Christ
they instill multiple impieties?
Response. I ask again, why does the
Vicar of Christ tolerate those most hostile enemies of Christ in his own
city? Why does he not send them
Christian Zendri, Umanesimo giuridico ed
ebraismo: La questione del battesimo invitis partentibus nel pensiero
di Ulrich Zasius con l'edizione e la tradizione delle Questiones de parvulis
iudeorum baptisandis (1508) Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Università di Trento 98 (Milan:
CEDAM, 2011) |