Bible moralisée (ca. 1215-1250)

Vienna, Österrreichische Nationalbibliothek 1179
  Josephus Mascardi (Pisa, 1540-1585) Conclusiones 944 (ed. 1589) 946 (ed. 1661) An Iudaeus possit esse testis
Jews cannot testify against Christians because they pursue them with hate. Gratian C.2 q.7 c.24-25
However the rule fails when:
1. When the Jew is the only source and his testimony is supported by other presumptions
2. Jews can testify in a case of two Christians litigating
3. Jews can testify against a relapsed Jew
4. If a Christian consents to a Jew testifying against him
5. A Jew may testify in certain crimes, i.e. heresy, simony, and treason
6. Jews may testify in contracts and wills
7. A Jew may testify when a Christian asks him to testify against a Jew
If a Jew testifies incompletely (semiplene) equity would dictate that he can take an oath to support his testimony.  A Jew may not render that oath since equity must not be observed for a Jew. (Iudaeo non est servanda aequitas immo rigor)
Lorenzo Sinisi, "Mascardi, Giuseppe," Dizionario dei giuristi italiani (secc. XII-XX), edd. Birocchi,  Ennio Cortese, Antonello Mattone, Marco Nicola Miletti (2 vols. Bologna 2013) 2.1298-1299