Christ before Pilate, Salvin
Hours ca. 1275 British Library Add. 48985, fol.32v |
(Pavia, 1532-1607) Jews
who have Sex
with Christians,
and Christians
who have Sex
with Jews, Casus 290
De arbitrariis iudicum (ed.
1. Death Penalty for Jew
and Christian when married is mandated by Roman law
(a Jew is excused because of ignorance) Justinian, Codex 1.9.6
2. A Jew who has sex with a married
Christian receives the death penalty for violating the Christian
Religion (As Oldradus de Ponte (died
1337) states in his last consilium 333)
3. The penalty for the crime
is governed by statute in other cities, or where Jews are not specifically mentioned or
where, as in Bologna and Ferrara, Jews have been granted papal
privileges as Ippolito Marsili
has written in consilium 101.
4. When a
Jew has sex with a Christian prostitute, almost everyone agrees that his
punishment should be left to the will of the judge. The new
constitutions of Milan do not distinguish whether the woman is married
or not, is a prostitute or an honest woman. They only ask whether the
woman was a Christian.
5. What
about Saracens?
Iudaei sint Saracenis peiores
Brendan McManus, "The Consilia and
Quaestiones of Oldradus de Ponte," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law
23 (1999) 85-113
Norman Zacour, Jews and Saracens in
the Consilia of Oldradus de Ponte (Studies and Texts 100; Toronto:
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1990) 68-70
Chiara Valsecchi, "Menochio, Jacopo," Dizionario dei giuristi italiani (secc. XII-XX), edd.
Ennio Cortese, Antonello Mattone, Marco Nicola Miletti (2 vols. Bologna 2013)
2.1328-1330 |