![]() Vat. lat. 8782, fol. 94v 15 Constitutions should have been split in the printed editions. There are 69 Constitutions in the Vatican manuscript, not 43. Return to Beginnings of the Ius commune Revolution of Proceedure |
<Constitutio 43> Si iudex litem suam fecerit
si accepta pecunia reum quem criminis et mortis fecerit, capitis
periculo subiacebit. (If
a judge receives money and then declares someone guilty of a crime and
of death, then he shall be subject to capital punishment). Constitutiones Friderici II 2.50.2 Si
iudex fraudolenter atque dolose sententiam contra leges protulerit,
auctoritate iudiciaria inrecuperabiliter cadat, notetur infamia, rebus
eius omnibus publicatis. Quod is ignorantia a iuris sententia oberraverit,
ferens iudicium pro simplicitate animi manifesta, regie misericordie et
providentie subiacebit (If a judge fraudulently and deceitfully hands
down a sentence contrary to the laws, then he shall lost his judicial authority
without hope of recovery, be branded with infamy and all his property shall be
confiscated. Constitutiones Friderici II 2.50.1 |