The Development of Procedure in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

Criminal Procedure

Procedure in English Law

Jury Trial

English Jurisprudence

The Twelfth-Century Revolution in Judicial Procedure

Key terms:  Cognitio extraordinaria, ordeal, and ordo iudiciarius (accusatorial procedure, inquisitio (inquisitorial procedure), due process (<secundum> ordinem iudiciarium>)

Bulgarus, De arbitris

Arbitration in the Ius commune


Key Readings:

Ken Pennington, "Due Process, Community, and the Prince in the Evolution of the Ordo iudiciarius"

Ken Pennington, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty: The Origins of a Legal Maxim"

Ken Pennington, "Criminal Procedure in the Ius commune"

Ken Pennington, Torture and Fear:  Enemies of Justice