arcia Otacilia Severa Augusta (244-249 AD)
From the collection of Marlene Carlson

Authenticum: None

ex communis
Cod. Th. 1.28.2 (364 AD): common law
Ius commune and the Legislation of Later Emperors
Theodosian Code trans. Clyde Pharr

Cod. Th. 2.1.10 (398 AD): common law
Cod. Th. 4.8.7 (331 AD): common law
Cod. Th. 11.36.7 (344 AD): common right of appeal
= Justinian, Cod. 7.65.2
      Text edited and "Ius commune" deleted in
                Justinian's Codex

Cod. Th. 15.14.12 (395 AD): common right
Cod. Th. 16.5.23 (494 AD): common law

Justinian The Codex of Justinian (3 volumes.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016)

Gratian, Valentinian, Theodosius (398 AD) Cod. 1.9.8
   (=Cod. Th. 2.1.10): general law
Justinian (531 AD) Codex usual will
Diocletian, Maximian (293 AD) Cod. 4.10.7: general law
Diocletian, Maximian  (286 AD) Cod. 5.12.10: principles of law