Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 673, p.138 C.17 (C.16) q.1 c.1 Decimas
quas in usum---periculum incurrere is c.7 of the Roman Fall Council 1078,
ed. Erich Caspar, Das Register Gregors VII. (MGH Epistolae
selectae 2.2; Berlin 1922) 404-405
Sg joins "Si quis amodo—deputentur"
from the second section of Pervenit to C.17(C.16) q.7
c.1 (Decimae) at § 1 with the notation "Et paulopost"

Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Conventi
sopressi A.1.402, fol. 54v C.16 q.7 c.1 (Gratian 1)
Sg and Fd omit all texts until Maiores nostri
c.8 Oportet autem congruentius---fidelter distribuat is not in any
text attributed to Gregory VII; The supplement in Fd has c.4, c.5, c.6.
c.7 fol. 141vb |

Admont, Stiftsbibliothek 43, fol. 34v
C.16 q.7 c.1 and 2 (c.4, c.5, c.6, c.7 as in Gratian 2)
Admont, Stiftsbibliothek 43
has Pervenit ad nos as a separate canon immediately after
Decimae with the rubric "De eodem" i.e. The same
material; no attribution.
"Quia modo multi"
is added to c.5 (in the margin of Sg) |