l![]() Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 673, p.138 |
Three Marginal texts at Causa 17(C.16): 1. Ambrosius: Quicumque recognoverit in se = C.16 q.7 c.4 = Gratian 2 and Admont 2. Item concilium Tolletanum Quia multi inveniuntur---et congruam emendationem= A separate canon"Ex concilio Romano" in the Caesargustana from Barcelona Archivo de la Corona de Aragon 63, not in any other collection as a separate canon. The standard version of the text found in most collections is the second half of Omnes decimae as being from "Ex concilio Rotomagensi" [In 16 collections including Bonzio of Sutri 8.4, Burchard 3.130, 3 Books 3.33.4, Polycarpus II 3.11.1, = Admont 43 C.16 q.7 c.5 (om. Fd), C.16 q.7 c.5 Gratian 2] 3. Pervenit ad nos---consanguineis to be inserted before "Si quis amodo---ignibus deputentur" = C.16 q.7 c.3 = in Gratian 2 the rubric is Gregorius |