The Catholic University of America |
![]() Winchester Bible, Winchester Cathedral ca. 1150 |
Canon Law 701, Law 507
History of Canon Law History of Jurisprudence: The Catholic Tradition
Ken Pennington
Office Hours - Fall 2015:
326-328 Caldwell Hall:
and by
Columbus School of Law:
T-Th 2:45-3:45 PM
and |
Pennington's Home Page: Classroom: Law 208 and Cyberspace Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:10-2:25 |
Offices: 326-328 Caldwell Hall Tel. 319-6264 416 Law School Tel. 319-5150 Home tel.: 202-547-3620 Email: Call me at home or email me. Voicemail at the University is not a good choice. |
Topics of Lectures and Video and Audio Stream of Class and Archived Lectures 2015 Click on the Lecture Topics to Link to the Web Page of the Lecture There is no live video stream. To review archived lectures, click on "download video" under the date; Send me an email if you have trouble. |
Lecture Topics | Introduction |
Mass of the Holy Spirit No class |
Legal Positivism and Justice | Legal Positivism and Justice and Law in the Early Church |
Norms in
the Early Church and
Early Church Councils |
Video and Audio Stream |
September 1
September 3
Sept. 8 |
Sept. 10 |
Sept. 15 |
Sept. 17 |
Sept. 22 |
Lecture Topics | and Carolingian Canonical Collections | Carolingian Canonical Collections and Gregorian Reform Movement | Gregorian Reform Movement |
Bologna |
Video and Audio Stream | Sept. 24 |
Sept. 29 |
October 1 |
October 6
Oct. 8
Lecture Topics | The Revival of Roman Law |
Introduction to Gratian | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus |
Video and Audio Stream |
Oct. 22 |
Oct. 27 |
Oct. 29 Download Video |
Lecture Topics | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus |
Gratian De legibus and Papal Decretals | |||
Video and Audio Stream | Nov. 3 |
Nov. 5 |
Nov. 10 | Nov.12 |
Lecture Topics |
Canonical Jurisprudence, Self-Defense, Ordeal Ordo iudiciarius |
Canonical Jurisprudence, Accusatorial and Inquisitorial Procedure |
Canonical Jurisprudence, Consent |
Canonical Jurisprudence |
Last Class and Video |
Video and Audio Stream |
Nov. 17 |
Nov. 19 |
Nov. 24 Download Video |
Dec. 1
Dec. 3
Required books:
Gratian, Treatise on Laws, translated by Augustine Thompson and James Gordley (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press, 1993) ISBN 0-8132-0786-x $14.95
F. Donald Logan, The History of the Church in the Middle Ages (London-New York: Routledge, 2002) ISBN 0-415-13289-4 (If you do not have a good background in the history of the Church, this book will provide an excellent context for the legal developments we will be studying).
Recommended Books only for the Wealthy and Committed:
The History of Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140-1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008). $64.95
The History of Byzantine and Eastern Canon Law to 1500, edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington D.C. The Catholic University Press of America, 2012). $59.95
These are very detailed histories of key periods that will be covered in the course. Buy these books only if you are passionately interested in the history of canon law or if you think that you might go on for a Ph.D. Or if you are simply addicted to having books on your shelf.
Compare prices! The books can be bought from or from Barnes and Noble for the price quoted after the book.
Ken Pennington, A Short History of Canon Law from Apostolic Times to 1917
Thanks to Father James Bradley, a Pdf File of A Short History of Canon Law
Ken Pennington, "Roman and Secular Law in the Middle Ages"
Ken Pennington, "Learned Law, droit savant, gelehrtes Recht: The Tyranny of a Concept"
Ken Pennington, Bishops and their Dioceses Pdf
Ken Pennington, Gratian, Causa 19, and the Birth of Canonical Jurisprudence
Ken Pennington, Innocent III and the Divine Authority of the Pope
Ken Pennington, Representation in Medieval Canon Law
Ken Pennington, The Formation of the Jurisprudence of the Feudal Oath of Fealty
Ken Pennington, Politics in Western Jurisprudence
Ken Pennington, Between Naturalistic and Positivistic Concepts of Human Rights Pdf
Ken Pennington, Lex naturalis and Ius naturale
Ken Pennington, The “Big Bang”:Roman Law in the Early Twelfth-Century
Ken Pennington, Roman Law at the Papal Curia in the Early Twelfth Century
Ken Pennington, The Growth of Church Law
Ken Pennington, Introduction to the Courts
Ken Pennington, Biography of Gratian
Pennington, Western Legal Collections
British Library, Cotton Nero C.IV, Winchester Psalter ca. 1150 |
Email RequirementI want to hear from you regularly by Email. This is a requirement of the course. In your first message to me, I would like to know something about yourself and why you are interested in law. I want you to respond to my lectures and the class materials by sending me your comments regularly with emails. I will circulate them to the entire class. Important: Please send your comments to me first. Sometimes I will add comments to your emails or try to answer questions that you pose. Then I will circulate them to the entire class.Please email me as soon as possible to both my email addresses:We will be using email this semester, and I want to have a listserve for the class at CUA and at home.
Lecture Topics:
Readings: Pennington, The History of Natural Law; Ken Pennington, Lex naturalis and Ius naturale; H.L.A. Hart, John Austin
1. The Birth of a Legal System
Readings: Brundage, pp.
1-31; Pennington,
Between Naturalistic and Positivistic Concepts of Human Rights
2. The Gregorian Reform (Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries)
Readings: Pennington, A Short History; Brundage, pp.31-43, Pennington, Bishops and their Dioceses
Midterm Essay Due Friday, October 23, 2015
3. Gratian and the Beginnings of Canonical Jurisprudence
Readings:Pennington, A Short History; Ken Pennington, Biography of Gratian, Pennington, Western Legal Collections, Ken Pennington, Introduction to the Courts, Brundage, pp. 44-55, Gratian, The Treatise on Laws (Decretum DD. 1-20), Marriage canons in Gratian and in the Decretales, translated by Noonan and Thompson, Pennington, A Short History; K. Pennington, Natural Law; Pennington, Lex naturalis and Ius naturale; Pennington, Gratian, Causa 19; Pennington, Innocent III and the Ius commune, Decretals and Decretal Collections; Pro ratione voluntas: Canon law establishes the principle of Ius positivum; Pope Innocent III and Marriage Decretals; Decretales of Pope Gregory IX Book 4 title 2; Consilia (Briefs); Pennington, "The Big Bang"; Ken Pennington, Roman Law at the Papal Curia in the Early Twelfth Century
4. Canon Law in the Late Middle Ages
Canonists in the Late Middle Ages Video 2006 Video 2007
Readings: Pennington, A Short History; Pope Innocent IV; Henricus of Susa (Hostiensis); Oldradus de Laude (de Ponte); Baldus de Ubaldis; Nicholaus de Tudeschis (Panormitanus); Brundage, pp. 55-69
5. Canonical Jurisprudence and the Emergence of the Idea of Rights
Readings: Pennington, A Short History; Brundage, 70-189; Pennington, "The History of Rights in Western Thought"; K. Pennington, Due Process, Community, and the Prince in the Evolution of the Ordo iudiciarius; K. Pennington, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty: The Origins of a Legal Maxim" and "Sovereignty and Rights in Medieval and Early Modern Jurisprudence: Law and Norms without a State", and "Representation in Medieval Canon Law," and "The Formation of the Jurisprudence of the Feudal Oath of Fealty"
6. The Road to Modern Canon Law
Readings: Pennington, A Short History
Course Requirements and Grading
Each student will be required to write two essays. The first will be due during the week of October 17th and will be on the material covered by Lecture Topics 1-2. The second will be due by Friday, December 18th and will cover the second half of the semester. All essays will be submitted to me electronically in Word or WordPerfect format. Each essay will be 50% of the final grade. The quality and number of the emails during the semester can also affect the final grade by one grade level (i.e. A- to A). However, the grade can only rise, never fall. Since the classes are online and archived, I have no attendance policy. CUA's policy on plagiarism will be enforced. For good definitions of unacceptable writing practices click here.
Topics of Lectures and Video and Audio Stream of Class and Archived Lectures 2014 Click on the Lecture Topics to Link to the Web Page of the Lecture There is no live video stream. To review archived lectures, click on "download video" under the date; Send me an email if you have trouble. |
Lecture Topics | Introduction |
Mass of the Holy Spirit No class |
Legal Positivism and Justice | Legal Positivism and Justice and Law in the Early Church |
Norms in
the Early Church and
Early Church Councils |
Video and Audio Stream |
August 26 46 minute partial video↓ Complete video from 2012↓ |
August 28
Sept. 2 |
Sept. 4 |
Sept. 9 |
Sept. 11 |
Sept. 16 |
Lecture Topics |
and |
Carolingian Canonical Collections | Carolingian Canonical Collections and Gregorian Reform Movement | Gregorian Reform Movement |
Bologna |
Video and Audio Stream | Sept. 18 |
Sept. 23 |
Sept. 25 |
Sept. 30
Oct. 2
Oct. 9 |
Lecture Topics | Introduction to Gratian |
Introduction to Gratian | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus | |
Video and Audio Stream |
Oct. 14
Administrative Monday (No Class) Oct. 16 |
Oct. 21 |
Oct. 28 Download Video |
Oct. 30 |
Lecture Topics | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus |
Gratian De legibus and Papal Decretals |
Video and Audio Stream | Nov. 4 |
Nov. 6 |
Nov. 11 | Nov.13 |
Lecture Topics |
Canonical Jurisprudence, Ordeal Ordo iudiciarius |
Canonical Jurisprudence, Accusatorial and Inquisitorial Procedure |
Canonical Jurisprudence, Consent |
Canonical Jurisprudence | ||
Video and Audio Stream |
Nov. 18 |
Nov. 20 |
Nov. 25 Download Video |
Dec. 2
Dec. 4
Topics of Lectures and Video and Audio Stream of Class and Archived Lectures 2013 Click on the Lecture Topics to Link to the Web Page of the Lecture There is no live video stream. To review archived lectures, click on "download video" under the date; Send me an email if you have trouble. |
Lecture Topics | Introduction |
Mass of the Holy Spirit No class |
Legal Positivism and Justice | Law in the Early Church | Norms in
the Early Church and Early Church Councils |
Video and Audio Stream |
August 27 Download video 1Download video 2 |
August 29
Sept. 3 |
Sept. 5 |
Sept. 10 |
Sept. 12 |
Sept. 17 |
Sept. 19 |
Sept. 24 |
Lecture Topics | Justinian's Codification | Carolingian Canonical Collections and Gregorian Reform Movement | Gregorian Reform Movement |
Bologna |
The Revival of Roman Law | The
Revival of Roman Law and Introduction to Gratian |
Introduction to Gratian | Introduction to Gratian | ||
Video and Audio Stream |
Sept. 26 Download Video (1) Download Video (2) |
Oct. 1
Oct. 3
Oct. 8 Oct. 10 |
Oct. 15
Administrative Monday (No Class) |
Oct. 17 Download Video |
Oct. 22 Download Video |
Oct. 24 |
Oct. 29 Download Video |
Lecture Topics | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus | Gratian De legibus | Papal Decretals | Jurisprudence of Papal Decretals and Canonical Jurisprudence Canonical Jurisprudence | Canonical Jurisprudence | Canonical Jurisprudence | ||
Video and Audio Stream |
Oct. 31 |
Nov. 5 |
Nov. 7 |
Nov. 12 | Nov. 14 |
Nov. 19 Nov. 21 |
Nov. 26 Download Video |
Dec. 3
Dec. 5